Lia is a proud Filipino-Canadian emerging singer, actor, dancer and writer.

Lia Luz

Lia is a Filipino-Canadian singer, actor, dancer and emerging writer based in Toronto. She is a graduate of the Music Theatre Performance program at Sheridan College. She began singing at the age of 8 and shortly after was introduced to the world of Music Theatre. As an actor, some of her recent credits include: Puring in Prairie Nurse (Lighthouse Festival Theatre, Jia in In Real Life (The Canadian Music Theatre Project) and Little Sally in Urinetown (Toronto Musical Concerts). As an emerging writer, recently she had the opportunity to perform a segment of her piece Dear Delilah at Red: an Art Pop Up.

She is very passionate about digging into her Filipino roots and sharing stories to amplify the voices of BIPOC people through art and music.

Visit Lia’s website here

Follow @mslialuz


Lia Luz singing "The Life I Never Led" from "Sister Act" at the Broadway Artists Alliance Session 4 Showcase at Symphony Space, August 5, 2018

Rohan Dhupar


Kai Dayle